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Drs. Chapman, Crippin Honored with The Foundation's 2020 President’s Achievement Award

The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital has awarded the 2020 President’s Achievement Award to two leaders of the Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Transplant Center: William Chapman, MD, surgical director, and Jeffrey Crippin, MD, medical director.

The President’s Achievement Award is given to a physician or faculty partner whose distinct and extraordinary accomplishments are advancing medicine, ensuring the delivery of world class patient care, and educating the next generation of clinicians. 

“The depth of experience, dedication and compassion demonstrated by Drs. Chapman and Crippin exemplify why we have one of the world’s top transplant programs,” says John Lynch, MD, president of Barnes-Jewish Hospital. “This shared President’s Award from our Foundation is in recognition of the many milestones achieved, and in anticipation of the advancements in transplantation to come, which gives hope and a new chance for life to so many patients.”

Dr. Chapman is chief of the Section of Transplantation, chief of the Division of General Surgery  and executive vice chair of the Department of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine, He is also the Eugene M. Bricker Chair of Surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine. The endowed chair was established by the Foundation in memory of Eugene M. Bricker, MD, a renowned surgeon and professor of surgery whose medical career at Barnes-Jewish and the School of Medicine spanned more than a half-century.

Dr. Crippin is vice chairman for Clinical Programs in the Department of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine. He is also the Marilyn E. Bornefeld Endowed Chair in Gastrointestinal Research and Treatment. The chair was established at the Foundation to honor the wishes of the late Marilyn Bornefeld, a grateful patient who was treated at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

The Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Transplant Center offers a level of expertise and innovation found only among national leaders in organ transplantation. The transplant center performed its first transplant in 1963. Since then, more than 10,000 transplants have been performed, providing individuals with the gift of extended life. The Transplant Center comprises of kidney, lung, liver, pancreas and heart transplant programs and is one of the largest programs in the nation. Under the leadership of Drs. Chapman and Crippin, the program has seen much growth, innovation, and research, resulting in better outcomes for patients.

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