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Khalia Collier Joins the Foundation Board

Anonym 0 958 Article rating: No rating

When Khalia Collier, owner and general manager of the St. Louis Surge women’s professional basketball team, was asked to consider joining the board of The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital she saw it as a natural fit.  

Michael Roberts Rejoins the Foundation Board

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After Michael Roberts’ first wife, Randee, died of an aggressive type of brain cancer in 2006, Michael wanted to show his appreciation for the care she received at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Transplant Pilot Grant

Brooke Williams 0 0 Article rating: No rating

Transplant pilot grants help identify and advance the promising research of our world-class physician-scientists. This early-stage funding routinely opens the door to additional national funding and serves as a critical catalyst to developing new lifesaving treatments. We are honored to share this update on recently funded pilot grant projects.
