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Building a Nursing Pipeline

Brooke Williams 0 1 Article rating: No rating

Compassionate and dedicated nurses ensure that every patient receives the extraordinary care they deserve, and it starts with an extraordinary education at Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing. Donors are supporting the specialized training students need to excel in rewarding nursing careers at BJC HealthCare through a variety of initiatives and programs.

Transformative Grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies Funds Innovative Health Care Education Partnership in St. Louis

Brooke Williams 0 1103 Article rating: No rating

A partnership between BJC HealthCare, The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, BELIEVE Academy, and The Opportunity Trust has been awarded a transformative catalyst grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies to establish a first-of-its-kind high school focused on graduating students directly into health care jobs with family-sustaining wages.

Tending a Garden of Memories

Brooke Williams 0 2 Article rating: No rating

The colorful Zen Garden at Evelyn’s House, BJC’s hospice house, is a special place within a special place. Filled with rocks painted as tributes, it is a place to honor and cherish the memories of those who have spent their last days at Evelyn’s House.

The Foundation Recognizes Six Internal Medicine Residents and Fellows at Its 40th Annual Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Awards

Brooke Williams 0 397 Article rating: No rating

The Knowlton Incentive for Excellence award recognizes resident physicians who have demonstrated the ability to balance exceptional, compassionate care with outstanding leadership and skill in internal medicine. More than 200 residents and fellows have been recognized since the Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Awards began.

Healthy Blue Missouri Supports Black Infant and Maternal Health

Brooke Williams 0 229 Article rating: No rating

A generous gift from Healthy Blue Missouri to the Foundation will support BJC’s Community Health Improvement initiatives to eliminate infant and maternal health disparities. This gift makes it possible to host free community baby showers, train clinical care teams, and expand access to perinatal education.
