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Morgan Stanley Volunteers

Giving from the Heart at Evelyn's House

Throughout my wife’s journey with cancer, I have never felt more taken care of than I do at Evelyn’s House. These are the first home cooked meals I have had in nine months!


Volunteers Lend a Hand

Morgan Stanley employees celebrate Global Volunteer Month at Evelyn's House. 

Employees at Morgan Stanley celebrated Global Volunteer Month by offering very special meals to show support to patients and families at Evelyn’s House. 

The 18,000 square foot ranch-style hospice house offers warm, comfortable surroundings where adult and pediatric hospice patients can receive specialized care that involves family members and caregivers.

In all, the team of volunteers prepared more than 20 meals for 68 families at Evelyn's House.

One family member expressed their gratitude for the food and community during a difficult time: “Eating meals with other families was the highlight of my days at Evelyn’s House. Talking with other people experiencing the same heartache got me through.”

Morgan Stanley is a valued donor to The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital.